Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Beer!

Nope, we have not thrown in the towel.  Andy and I had a busy holiday schedule, and currently we are gearing up for a bunch of great beer events that we are going to be attending that you can find right here:

If you are interested in meeting up with us at one of these events drop us a comment below or email us at!  We would love to meet with you.

Well it's a New Year.  I think we should start off with a list of New Years resolutions.

Resolution #1:  Increase our Social Media pool.  This is where you guys come in.  Come visit us at Twitter (@beerplomadotcom), Facebook (Beerploma), and YouTube (  I want to draw some special attention to YouTube.  If you haven't checked out our two show, your missing out.  We have 2 Growlers which is all about reviewing great Minnesota Beers.  We also have Beerploma Presents which features breweries, beer stores, and beer fests.  We get to talk to the owners of these great places and find out what makes them so unique.

Resolution #2:  Find some interesting guests for our 2 Growlers show.  We had some great hits.  Probably the best was the guys from Brewbicle.  We want to arrange something like that for you all 2014.

Resolution #3:  Get our hands on some great unique beer . Last year we had some great treats.  Beer from California, LasVegas, new beers from Germany.  Plus we got some great sneak previews of some awesome Minnesota beers. 

So what do you think?  What would you like to see from us this year?

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