Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Belgium Lips of Faith: Peach Porch Lounger

The most recent trip to the beer store was a shot in the dark. I had no agenda, wasn't sure what I was looking for until I found it. For the last month or so I've been burned out on coffee stout, bourbon barrel aged collaborations, hoppy hoppy super hop, and cold, snowy, cloudy, grey wintry days. I can't wait for spring, and summer: BEERS! I don't know who to give the credit to, but whoever put the floor stack of New Belgium: Lips of Faith Series: Peach Porch Lounger in a place where I couldn't get by without noticing, good job. It worked. The bottle label alone peaked my interest: a guy sitting on a porch playing guitar and sittin on the porch. YES, this is what I've been wanting and waiting for. I read several other reviews of this beer. Most of them bashed it saying there was too much going on and nothing worked, and the alcohal was overpowering. I guess its alot to attempt, the description says its brewed with molasses and lemon peel and with peach juice added. To me, its just what I've been waiting for and crave this time of year. As soon as I opened it the aroma hit me, peachy and citrusy orange and golden in color and tastes of apricot with a slight bitterness, but note from being a super hopped up ale. The ABV is 9.4 which you will notice and appreciate. But to me, the most important thing going on here is that they set the tone with the name and theme and delivered. A name like Peach Porch Lounger makes you want to be the guy on the label. "I've been thinking of a little place down by the lake, stomping our feet on the wooden boards never gotta worry 'bout locking the doors..." Two Stars ** Very Good! ~ Des

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah! I had this stuff a while back. I very much enjoyed it. And it was made in collaboration with G. Love of G. Love & Special Sauce.
